Multiplying Good

Fall 2023 - Spring 2024

How can we safely connect local, underrepresented high school students with resources so they can work on projects related to their interests?

Project Lead

Anna Mathews

Team Members

Autumn Qiu, Emily Jiang, Evelynn Chen, Kajal Mehta, Karen Gonzalez-Cifuentes, Ramitha Mallavarapu, Vicky Chen

Community Partner

Multiplying Good


Working with Multiplying Good Pittsburgh

Problem Space

 Our problem space is centered around how we can empower Multiplying Good Pittsburgh Students in Action (SIA) Teams to reach out for needed resources and enable local professionals (ChangeMakers) to provide support and guidance.

Project Overview

We developed an Airtable database, featuring bios of local professionals (ChangeMakers), facilitating connections between Students in Action (SIA) teams and ChangeMakers capable of offering support for their community projects.


Understanding the current situation for local Student in Action (SIA) Teams

Expert Interview with Jodi Klebick and Courtney Stein

We gained insight into SIA Team project timeline and ChangeMaker alumni process. We identified that we need to find a way to address SIA teams’ struggles during the execute step and establish a certain set of guidelines for ChangeMakers to follow if they want to support SIA teams when they finish the program.

Multiplying Good Fall Leadership Conference 

We conducted user interviews to understand specific challenges students were experiencing in the project development process. We also gained valuable insights into how ChangeMaker alumni were staying involved in Multiplying Good and their interest in supporting SIA teams.


Synthesizing stakeholder needs based on our research


Narrowing down the problem space

After analyzing the User Journey Map, we identified a significant gap in guidance provided to SIA Teams during the ideation phase and project development. Teams struggle with generating innovative solutions to community problems and have a lack of resources when building their projects. 

How Can We Statements

Design Goals


Coming up with many ideas

Refined Concepts Storyboards

Community Partner Feedback


Communication Templates

Customized Support Plan Guidelines


Building out a solution

Low Fidelity Prototypes

Mid Fidelity Prototype (animated using Google Slides)

High Fidelity Prototype


Getting feedback on our ideas

SIA Team Testing

Multiplying Good Winter Leadership Conference

We tested our high-fidelity prototype with 5 SIA teams. The main points of feedback included the need for incorporating brief profiles and providing easier filtering options. SIA teams also shared that they were interested in working with Changemakers with many specializations and that were financial aid and resource focused.

ChangeMaker Testing

ChangeMaker Focus Group 

We provided a demonstration of the use of the Airtable to 9 ChangeMakers. We gathered insights on how to embed the database within the ChangeMaker pipeline effectively. Additionally, we discussed how providing information to be used in the database could become a part of the ChangeMaker graduation process.

One suggestion from ChangeMakers included using Airtable to create automatic notifications for ChangeMakers when a team wants to contact them. Another suggestion was to incorporate a form within the database for communication.

Final Product - ChangeMaker Connect Airtable

SIA Teams 



Looking back on the work we accomplished

After testing, we experienced technical challenges with the Airtable platform. Initially, we aimed to create an additional contact platform through Airtable to ensure safe, facilitated communication between SIA Teams and ChangeMakers. However, we discovered that the platform could not support this functionality. However, after several rounds of ideation and iteration, we successfully created a form system to manage partnerships between SIA teams and ChangeMakers. This experience highlighted the importance of ideation, as an initial concept may not always be feasible.

Working with Multiplying Good was a valuable experience and being able to meet and connect with so many individuals in the organization and learn about the impact they were making in the local Pittsburgh community was very rewarding. As a team, we identified the importance of collecting and analyzing user feedback data and how it can influence the design goals and objectives of our final product.